On guard!

Good day everyone! Not a lot of sightings this week, but at least its warming up! Today we have one of our favourite, and most entertaining animals in this park! Meerkats are small burrowing animals, living in large underground networks with multiple entrances which they leave only during the day. They are very social, living in colonies averaging 20–30 members. Meerkats forage in a group with one “sentry” on guard watching for predators while the others search for food. Sentry duty is usually approximately an hour long. When a predator is spotted, the meerkat performing as sentry gives a warning bark, and other members of the gang will run and hide in one of the many bolt holes they have spread across their territory. The sentry meerkat is the first to reappear from the burrow and search for predators, constantly barking to keep the others underground. If there is no threat, the sentry meerkat stops signaling and the others feel safe to emerge.


Steamy Ostrich!

Good morning everyone…Friday’s photo was indeed 4 wildcat! And only wildcats, no owls Andrew! Ha Ha, but its good to have an imagination. Today we have an ostrich dust-bathing. Dust baths are a necessity for some animals, like the ostrich, and serve to clean the feathers, skin, and prevent parasites. They cower close to the ground while taking a dust bath and wiggle their bodies. This will disperse loose soil in the air. The birds spread one or both wings. The dust bath is often followed by thorough shaking to ruffle the feathers. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!


How many cats?

Good morning everyone, sorry about not posting yesterday! Was a bit busy with fieldwork! Seeing that we are on a quiz month, lets see how good your eyesight is!? How many wildcats in this photo? A female wildcat gives birth to two to six kittens, with three being average, and often rests, then gives birth in little caves or hollows in the ground. The gestation lasts between 56 and 69 days. The kittens are born blind and need the full care of the mother. Enjoy and see you on monday!


The boys are back!

Good morning everyone, the south has 2 dominant males again! They have been up and down the southern triangle, Kij Kij to Twee Rivieren and up towards Auchterlonie and they have been chasing females all over the place! They are looking extremely goooood! Approaching there prime in a couple of years they will surely be massive, also, the black manes started to develop as well. Here they shows the characteristic grimace of the Flehmen response. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!

What was the mystery animal!!

Good morning everyone! Yesterday’s mystery animal was indeed a Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis, Rock Dassie), its a bit unusual to see them here in the Kalahari and in a tree as well. Hyraxes are preyed on by leopards, puff adders, caracals and eagles, and the occasional lion! I saw a lion chasing one the other day on the rocky outcrops in the riverbed north of Samevloeing waterhole. Hyraxes feed on a wide variety of different plants, and they are able to go for many days without water due to the moisture they obtain through their food. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!


PS. Yango, we need to talk, a ‘giraffe’ you said! Mmmmmm, we seriously need to talk! Haha!


Guess the animal?

Good morning everyone, we spotted this animal at Samevloeing waterhole in a tree, who can tell me what it is???? In Friday’s photo there was 2 cheetahs, one on the ground, and one in the tree! Enjoy and see you tomorrow.




Black and White Friday!

Good morning everyone… We found the three male cheetahs south of Rooiputs. This one was jumping in the tree to see if there was possible prey further down the riverbed! Cheetahs will climb trees, although they’re claws aren’t designed for it. Also when attacked by predators such as lion. Enjoy your weekend and see you on Monday!

PS.  how many cheetahs do you see in this photo?


Good morning everyone! The sunrises are getting more beautiful the more dry it gets! The grass started to break down and are half the height it was after the rainy season. Soon the game will be easier to spot and good sightings will increase. Here is a herd of blue-wildebeest at sunrise, enjoy and see you tomorrow!


Cooking 101!

Good morning everyone! A while ago staying at Rooiputs a few lions came to visit! They were thirsty and helped themselves to the water that we boiled for a shower. First the lid was removed and after playing with it for half an hour, they came back for the water after it had cooled down! Then after drinking the water they disappeared into the night with my pot! The next morning we managed to find the pot about a 100m from the camp and the lid was nowhere to be seen! So for anyone going to Rooiputs, be aware of the inquisitive 3 females! Enjoy and see you tomorrow!