King of the jungle!

Good morning everyone, the weather is slowly getting better, with yesterday a nice 33 degrees Celsius and last night 8 degrees. So it looks like the cold weather is something of the past – hopefully! Sightings have been quiet the last week, but the great thing about August is that it’s the windy month, so all the long grass of the rainy season is blowing away, so sightings are a lot easier. Also, the eland are increasing and slowly getting use to the cars, which makes photographing them a lot easier.  We share with you today one of Polentswa’s big boys! Enjoy and see you soon.



Stalking doves.

Good morning everyone, it’s been a cold weekend out in the field again, but surprisingly lots of predators in the river valley. Probably because of the eland! We have seen 4 dead eland remains in the river the last 2 weeks, but mostly smaller eland, looks like they are the targets for the lion. The pride in the KijKij area is one of the bigger prides in the park (13) and with 6 young cubs, (5males and 1 female), there is always lots of activity, usually in the mornings, not the afternoons. On this particular day they chased doves all over the place! It’s fun to spend time with these lions, always entertaining and best of all they are very curious and love to bite our bull-bar and spare tyre on the back, always investigating! Enjoy and see you soon!