Merry Xmas & New Year!!!!!

Well done Anet van Staden & Elsje Grabe !!! Oscar, the father of Kali is nr. 2! This will be our last blog for 2011, and we hope everyone enjoyed the blog so far! Keep in touch & see you in 2012. We will be back online middle January. Have a merry Xmas & happy new year! We end of the year with a photo of our favourite lion in the Park, Mufasa, who disappeared about 9 months ago! Enjoy and see you next year! From me, Noa, Luna & Kali, cheers!


Who’s your daddy?

Good morning everyone! We decided to call the little one Kali! Short for kalahari! When she was little the colour of her eyes was the same as the red sand of the kalahari! Who can tell me who is the father? 1, 2 0r 3?

First we have Kali, then the 3 contestants! Enjoy and see you tomorrow!



Father 1?


Father 2?

Father 3?


Good afternoon everyone… Spend today with Luna’s cub and she is so funny to watch! Chasing everything that moves! Lizards, birds, ground-squirrel, mongoose! We’re off to spend more time with her, enjoy and see you tomorrow!


Leopard update!

Good morning everyone! At last we found Luna! With one cub! The little female survived and is looking beautiful. We spent the whole evening with her while mom was patrolling the area. In general, leopards are relative quiet animals. When necessary, though, they do make some sounds, or vocalizations, to communicate with leopards or other animals. When female leopards are ready to mate, they make rasping growls to attract males. And that is exactly what Luna made last night, she was either calling the missing cub or attracting males! The cub is almost 9 months old, and will leave the mother in about 4 months or so. Her previous cub left her at the age of 13 months! Enjoy and see you tomorrow! Here is a picture of the cub!


Good morning everyone…The Martial Eagle are well-known for their incredible eyesight. In fact, they are capable of observing forward and side simultaneously since their eyes contain special ability that enable them to see two main focuses. They have a eyelid called the nictitating membrane (for blinking). The membrane
is transparent and slides front to back within the eye for eliminating dirt. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!!



“Hooo hoo hooo”!

Good morning everyone… The lightning, rain and thunder continued the last night, but just before sunset the sun peaked through the clouds to form a nice backdrop to this Spotted Eagle Owl photo! Its prey consists of small mammals, birds, insects, frogs, and reptiles. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!



Wet Wet Wet!!!

Good day everyone… The rains and lightning continued last night and we were very wet when we came back this morning! There was a lot of thunder & rain last night, and today is very humid and sticky! Not very pleasant! Anyway here is a pick of last night – it was taken at Samevloeing on the pan, enjoy and see you tomorrow!


First rains!

Good morning everyone! Due to it’s vast size, the average rainfall in the Kalahari varies according to area. Parts of the Kalahari receive 250mm of rainfall annually, making these areas not true desert. Last night we had around 10 mm of rain! The smell of the first rains are always special! Enjoy and see you tomorrow!


Brown Beauty!

Good afternoon everyone! We bumped into a brown hyena this morning at Leeudril, what a spectacular animal, very weary but settled down for a drink! Brown hyena
typically forage alone, and do not maintain a territory, instead using common hunting paths. Enjoy and see you tomorrow!

P.S. The litter of six Cape Foxes is down to five, keep you posted Dave!