Looking back…

Hi all…my apologies for not making posts this week. I went up further north, around Mata Mata/Kalahari Tented Camp area and there is absolutely NO signal up there (not cellphone, 3G…nothing). This is the reality of my life up here though so I hope that you all understand. It is still beautifully green up here but the grass is getting very long which makes it a little more difficult to spot game. So for those of you that are coming up to the park soon I suggest you stay on the Mata Mata side because the grass is shorter on this side. Loads of gemsbok, springbok, rooi hartebees and giraffe to be seen along this road including lots of raptors soaring overhead and occasionally cheetah and lion seen strolling along the roads. We also hosted the Photographic Safari Competition Winners over last weekend for three nights at Tweerivieren and Mata Mata. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and I know I had fun with them on games drives etc.

So to today’s post…its that special day of the week-Friday! I have another extra special Black and White Photograph to share with you. This one is again of one of the beautiful leopards in the park. They love this area and can often be spotted stalking along these ridges on the Nossob River side. This photograph has a bit of a nostalgic feeling for me in the way the leopard is glancing back over its shoulder. This may just be the ‘creative’ side of me speaking but it feels like it is leaving something behind and slightly reluctant to leave. I am sure we can all identify with this feeling in some way or another. I think it is also enhanced by the black and white effect.

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Cheers til Monday and have a great weekend with a little outdoor time if you can.

One thought on “Looking back…

  1. Very creative Hannes. I agree with the mood you described. I also like the curl of the tail in this one with the two shrubs behind that. The textures of the rocks also work well with the black and white. No signal ! …. is my kind of place… so no apologies needed…keep at it and we see you in April !

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