
Hi all…back to the start of another week. I hope you all had great weekends. Today’s photograph I am sharing with you is an interesting one so I hope you appreciate the story behind it. From November to January in the park there are a lot of Bat-eared and Cape Foxes that are running about. At the same time the birds of prey are always circling high above looking for their next victim. I came across this Marshall Eagle that had just landed in this tree with an unlucky bat-eared fox in its talons. It must have been an incredible struggle, that I unfortunately missed, because this eagle rested for about 3 hours before it began to devour its prey. It made short work of the four legs that it got down in about 5 minutes. The rest of the body followed shortly after that. These birds can eat.

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Now more importantly…some more news from my side is that my Botswana permit has been approved so all I am waiting on is one more permit before my next incredibly exciting project can commence. Keep an eye on my blog for the details of this when the time is right.

Then the next surprise is that I have come back down to Cape Town for the next couple of weeks to do some promotional stuff. The biggest of which is the Getaway Show that I will be exhibiting my work at from 25th-27th March. So you must all come and see me there! If there is anyone else that wants to get together with me around this time please feel free to contact me (info@lochnerphoto.com) asap and we will make a plan. The blog will keep going, don’t worry. I have images that I will post every day so you will still get your daily dose of the wild.

Cheers til tomorrow.

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