Flower Power!

Good morning everyone…  This old male is one of my favourite lions in the park! He moves around the Rooiputs area. His name is “Murtu” and in afrikaans it would be “Moertoe.” Everyone that has seen this lion knows why! Thats why i love this lion, he has a story to tell, battle scars, ripped eyelids, always full off scratches, but he is quiet the ladies man and will always be seen with a couple of lionesses. His coalition partner is called Mufasa and is probably one of the biggest males in the park at the moment. Around mating time Mufasa and him always have fights and things usually heats up! Unfortunately he is getting old and i don’t think he will see the end of the year, i have walked a long way with him over the last 5 years and will be sad to see him go! Today I share with you a king among the beautiful flowers (Cat’s tails & Devil’s thorn)!

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Cheers til tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Flower Power!

  1. Nice pic and story behind it.

    Don’t take offense to this Hannes but, it is a pity that you have your name right over his face. I do understand why it is there…, maybe just move it down slightly so we can see his face a bit better.


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