The heat is on!

Good afternoon everyone… After the death of Murtu, one of the last big pride males, there is only one big male left in the south. His name is Mufasa and is in the Rooiputs area. Three pride-males died the last 12 months in the south, so there is competition among the younger males, and things are heating up in the Samevloeiing area. Here is two males getting irritated with each other. There is about four young males in this area and they already started to mate with the pride females. There are three females all-together.

Take a look and let me know what you thinkā€¦

Cheers til tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “The heat is on!

  1. Hi Hannes,

    This could make for some top action pictures! I will be in the KTP in 2 weeks time and hope to catch some of it.

    I will be at Nossob for 2 nights and then at Mata Mata for 2 nights.

    The park is looking very green. Is the Nossob road open north of the samevloeiing?

    Hope to see you,


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