Good morning everyone…I got this pride yesterday morning at Leeudril waterhole, there was two cubs and two males and two females, and all of them were trying to climb trees!! What a sight. The little ones struggled a lot but managed to get to the top of a fallen down Camel Thorn tree. As usual the males was more interested in the females than climbing trees! After the morning’s activities they strolled to the closest waterhole! Enjoy and see you tomorrow!
Ai, maar dis mooi! Verlang nou sommer van vooraf terug!
raak hartseer en bly tegelyk oor jou mooi ervaring gister by Leeudril. Pragtige fotos,altyd.
Ons het jou gemis toe ons in Mei daar was.
Lucky you Hannes! Mis die plek en kan nie wag om terug te gaan nie! Thanks dat jy ons op hoogte hou!
Dit is stunning fotos,soos ons al gewoond geraak het van jou
“I love to go a wondering…”
Stunning photos. Thanks!