Green Kalahari!

Good morning everyone, i have been on photographic safaris the last two weeks, so I’ve been offline for a while. Good to be back! The northern areas are greener than ever and the grass is very high. The Mata Mata area is the best for wildlife at the moment, with the riverbed looking like a golf-course. Cheetahs are frequent, and the two pride-males of the Dalkeith area is looking old, maybe within the next 6 months there will be new kings in that area. Marabou & white storks was seen in the northern parts of the park. Herewith a photo of the green riverbed close to Mata Mata. Enjoy & see you soon.




4 thoughts on “Green Kalahari!

  1. Hannes, I’ve always wondered, is this green stuff (grass?) palatable to the local inhabitants?
    What in fact is it?

    I like the guy lurking just out of sight on the right!


  2. Hey Hannes – great picture – the bush is looking lush and wonderful. Neebe tells me he found you ‘out-and-about’ and you spent an evening with them. Sorry to have missed out.

  3. Ek sal wat wil gee om die Kalahari te sien,groen of nie.Gelukkige ek kan dit deur jou fotolens sien.Baie dankie.

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