
Hi all…it seems from the numbers that visited my blog yesterday that you all like leopards as much as I do. Thanks to all of you that are following this and that are interested in what I am doing. It makes me that much more motivated to get out in the bush every day.

Today’s photograph is not of the lovely leopard unfortunately but something just as good. In this photograph there are 4 cheetah. I found them chasing down, and eventually cornering, this one cheetah (middle one) that was obviously an intruder to their territory. All that chasing and fighting soon became too much to bear in the heat of the sun so they decided to go find some shade rather.  It was a tense situation and, judging by the body language of the middle cheetah, is was tense for it too. I am sure it was relieved to get out of there which it quickly did when the others turned to find a resting place.

Take a look and let me know what you think…

Cheers til tomorrow.